Three major problems in our society!
There are three major problems within our society and they affect many areas of our culture and country. The three problems are Pluralism, Relativism, and Tolerance. So we are all on the same page I offer the following definitions of these terms:
Plurality/pluraliam-- the view that there are many ways to salvation, of which Christianity is one path.
Tolerance- sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from of conflicting with one's own.
These three are strongly pushed by the Left and they are dangerous for our society. For example, we, as a society, are strongly urged to tolerate homosexuality as normal behavior. We see ads on the television or HIV medicine, and we see in various contexts on the TV homosexuals hugging, kissing, etc. Many use relativism as their excuse in this matter. They say or imply that homosexuality may not be right for you but it's right for them.
Many of those who preach tolerance are intolerant of those who do not agree with their views.
What is disturbing is that more and more people care about religious tolerance as fewer and fewer care about religion.
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