Salvation occurs when we fully trust Jesus Christ as our Savior. He forgives us, transforms us, and sees us as righteous. In that moment, known as justification, we are redeemed, and though we will continue to struggle with sin, it is a defeated enemy. Then as time goes on, our service, gifts, time and love for God should naturally become stronger.
Unfortunately, a lot of "Christians" sit in church each week after week, going through the motions yet lacking passion and failing to grow. How is that possible? Tragically, many believers are totally unaware of the essential ministry of God's Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is a member of the Trinity and co-equal with God the Father (Yahweh) and God the Son (Jesus). The first chapter of the bible tells us that He existed before the formation of the earth and participated in creation (Genesis 1:2, 26).
The Holy Spirit is a gift to every child of God. His presence within us isn't something we have to earn. Rather it is a wonderful privilege- by indwelling our hearts, He can strengthen and steer each believer away from danger and into truth. (John 16:7-8) God's Word tells us that Jesus came so we could experience an abundant life. This is possible only when we listen to His Holy Spirit and obey Him.
Are you experiencing the life that God wants you to have? The life that Jesus promised? He wasn't talking about happy circumstances but, instead, the joy possible through a relationship with Him. If you're lacking in this area, consider your understanding of the Holy Spirit, and pray to be in tune with His promptings.
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