
Showing posts from December, 2023
  Right or Wrong When you retire from a business such as General Motors, Microsoft, Ford, Chevrolet, Alabama Power, Exxon, and similar corporations, you will be assured of receiving continued support from the corporation through medical insurance, pension and so forth. We all know this and we all expect this from the reputable companies that have been around for a long while.  It is unthinkable for the corporations such as these to not do what they plainly stated they would do. To not do what they said they would do would cause their reputation, integrity, and trustworthiness to be compromised. For example, if you retired from Ford, and you decided after you retired to associate with Chevrolet, Ford would still live up to what they said they would do and continue to support you for the work you did for them. Maybe you worked for Exxon and retired from them. Exxon would still support you even if you were affiliated with Shell or one of the other gas companies. You would think t...
  Salvation occurs when we fully trust Jesus Christ as our Savior. He forgives us, transforms us, and sees us as righteous. In that moment, known as justification, we are redeemed, and though we will continue to struggle with sin, it is a defeated enemy. Then as time goes on, our service, gifts, time and love for God should naturally become stronger.  Unfortunately, a lot of "Christians" sit in church each week after week, going through the motions yet lacking passion and failing to grow. How is that possible? Tragically, many believers are totally unaware of the essential ministry of God's Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a member of the Trinity and co-equal with God the Father (Yahweh) and God the Son (Jesus). The first chapter of the bible tells us that He existed before the formation of the earth and participated in creation (Genesis 1:2, 26). The Holy Spirit is a gift to every child of God. His presence within us isn't something we have to earn. Rather it is a wonderfu...
  Three major problems in our society! There are three major problems within our society and they affect many areas of our culture and country. The three problems are Pluralism, Relativism, and Tolerance. So we are all on the same page I offer the following definitions of these terms: Plurality/pluraliam -- the view that there are many ways to salvation, of which Christianity is one path. Relativism - (specifically moral relativism)-moral relativism asserts that truth cannot be found in any particular god, set of faith beliefs, or in any individual world religion. It believes a particular behavior might be deemed right for you but not for me. It leads that there can be no absolute truth. Tolerance - sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from of conflicting with one's own. These three are strongly pushed by the Left and they are dangerous for our society. For example, we, as a society, are strongly urged to tolerate homosexuality as normal behavior. We see ads on...