Read Luke 15:4-10-The Parable of the Lost Coin
In the parable of the lost coin, in the ancient Middle East with dirt floors, low areas and limited light, it would have been easy to lose a coin if it was dropped in the home. The economy of the time made it so that a simple coin was valuable for the people.
In the modern Western world, people are more likely to be concerned about the loss of a key, a ring, or a credit card than of a coin. But a society in which people spend time and energy in recovering personal possessions does not always show the same determination to help those who are lost, such as the unemployed, the homeless, or alcoholics, to rediscover a meaningful worthwhile life.
People today may have trouble believing that God is so determined to find and bring home those who are separated from Him. When people accept God's love, however, they can pass it on with the same single-mindedness as the shepherd and the woman who lost the coin. This is surely a cause for joyful celebration!
The point of this story is that just as men and women go to great lengths to recover a lost possession, God will go to great trouble to win back just one of his lost children. This, Jesus suggested, should be a matter for rejoicing!
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