It is utterly amazing what some people will do to get away from obeying God. Jesus plainly said, "Go, and make disciple...."
Many people today, do not know what discipleship really means. Many pastors are not sure what discipleship actually means. Many pastors/preachers want to use the latest trends and fads of discipleship. Many of those trends and fads end up producing superficial or misguided disciples. This can leave church leaders disappointed by a lack of authentic spiritual transformation.
But what is discipleship? For the sake of this paper, the following definition of 'discipleship' will be used: "Discipleship is the process of learning to love and follow Jesus and becoming more like Him in our attitudes and our actions. Discipleship also involves seeking to make other disciples who want to do the same thing. From my experience, true discipleship happens in a relationship with a mentor or teacher.
In my opinion, I believe that many United Methodist clergy have covertly and deceptively been providing disinformation and this is a large part of the problem. Why do I say this? After 28 years of ministry in the UMC I have seen it firsthand.
Also, a June 25, 2001 survey provided the following statistics. These were gathered by the well-known Barna Group. that specializes in religious surveys. The Barna group submitted a survey to Methodists that were from a wide range of persons--conservative and liberal, black and white, urban and rural.
Think carefully about these answers!
38% -The bible is totally accurate
This means that 62% of those that participated in the survey do not believe the Bible is totally accurate.
28%- I must share the faith with others
The other side of this is that 72% believe they must not share the faith.
24% Work don't earn salvation
76% do believe that work has something to do with salvation
33% Christ was sinless
This means that 67% believe that Christ had sin
47% I am absolutely committed to Christianity
53% were not absolutely committed to Christianity
49% I am born again
51% did not believe they were born again.
4% I am evangelical.
96% were not evangelical
These statistics are appalling and frightening. Is there any wonder why there are problems in many United Methodist churches? There is something about discipleship that has never really made it into the heart of the church. Discipleship is frequently the undiscovered part of the church.
Churches are filled with "spiritual babes" while sadly needing the more mature to accomplish their mission in the world. What do these "mature disciples" look like?
Characteristics of a mature disciple include:
Mature disciples know the God of the Bible.--They don't just know about Him; they actually know Him.
Mature disciples serve of out love.--They don't serve because they are supposed to; they serve out of love for what Christ has done for them.
Mature disciples understand their need for a Savior.---They know they cannot be saved on their own. They know they need Jesus.
Mature disciples realize they are made in the image of God.--They fully realize they are made in the image of God and they don't want to mar that image by doing anything that would bring dishonor to that image.
Mature disciples defend their faith.--Mature disciples are not afraid to share and defend their faith.
Mature disciples worship regardless of circumstances.--Mature disciples can worship God is any setting.
Many people do not want to truly engage in discipleship--especially disciple-making. Why is this? Because people, in general, do not like change and when new people come into the worship center-there will be change.
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