DISCIPLESHIP It is utterly amazing what some people will do to get away from obeying God. Jesus plainly said, "Go, and make disciple...." Many people today, do not know what discipleship really means. Many pastors are not sure what discipleship actually means. Many pastors/preachers want to use the latest trends and fads of discipleship. Many of those trends and fads end up producing superficial or misguided disciples. This can leave church leaders disappointed by a lack of authentic spiritual transformation. But what is discipleship? For the sake of this paper, the following definition of 'discipleship' will be used: "Discipleship is the process of learning to love and follow Jesus and becoming more like Him in our attitudes and our actions. Discipleship also involves seeking to make other disciples who want to do the same thing. From my experience, true discipleship happens in a relationship with a mentor or teacher. In my opinion, I believe that many United...